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Some of our
Project Examples:

Take a look at some of the insulated concrete formwork projects that UNiBLOCK has provided the solution for across the UK in sectors such as social housing, commercial and residential.

Private Dwelling – Lake Coniston (2017):

On the shores of Lake Consiton, Lake District sits this beautiful house built with the UNIBLOCK Xpress Wall 110 system. The home is partially built into the hill side, with the rear walls acting as a retaining element for the lower level. The client’s wish was for a home which not only looked great, but also performed well. With a 0.17 w/m2k u-value and airtightness performace well below the building regulations maximum allowable, this is a building which is comfortable to live in all year round.

Contractor: Lune Valley Builders

Architect: HM Architecture

Engineer: Kingmoor Consultling

Medical Centre Extension – Scunthorpe (2022):

UNIBLOCK were asked to provide a truly modern solution to help with the expansion of a medical centre in Scunthorpe, just a few minutes away from our factory. The brief from the client and architect was to create additional consulting rooms and office space, marrying in to the existing building. The

medical centre was to remain open at all times, and the carpark at the rear was to be in constant use, with patients and also a vet practice next door both being very busy.


The architect, along with the main contractor, engaged with UNIBLOCK to provide a method of builidng the structure, using a limited site footprint and with an accelerated program. Using the Xpress Wall 75 offsite ICF system, the contractor was able to assemble and our each level of the building without the use of cranes, and only using minimal space. The blocks all came pre-cut and numbered, allowing for quick placement and preparation for the addition of concrete. The window sub-frames were also supplied by UNIBLOCK, giving the added benefit of faster follow on addition of windows, and far less waste than on-site shuttering. The interior was finsihed with plasterboard, and the exterior had thin coat render and some timber cladding added to complete a sympathetic yet modern design.

Contractor: RamEco Ltd

Supplier: The Ecobuild Store

Architect: Design & Innovate Ltd

7 Units, Tooting, South West London (2022)

Our client purchased this challenging site behind a row of houses on a quiet street, just off the main high road in Tooting. With planning already in place, there were restrictions on the changes that could be made. The site was also difficult to access, with the only entry point being in between 2 existing houses. The client was also set on building these units to perform to a high standard of energy efficiency, giving future occupants a warm, healthy and affordable place to live.


UNIBLOCK supplied our Xpress Wall 110 and 75 offsite ICF system for the project. Using an offsite MMC gave the client much needed space on site to land and stage materials, which if the building had been constructed traditionally, would not have been possible. Each floor of the building arrived flat packed from our factory, with individual courses separated out onto their own pallets. Given the difficult access to site, the blocks were easily offloaded through the narrow gap, and could be stored on the slab, ready to build.


Each block was numbered and referenced on a course plan, allowing for fast setting out and initial placement of the blocks. For the exterior walls, the Xpress Wall 110 block (0.17 w/m2k) was used to create a warm and airtight envelope, while the internal core and stairs were constructed in Xpress Wall 75 (0.21 w/m2k) system, giving strength and sound resistance, without compromising on floor space.

The finished units contain a wide range of features designed to increase the efficiency of the building, including rainwater harvesting, solar PV, Air Source Heat Pumps and Mechanical Ventilation & Heat Recovery systems.

Contractor: Private Client

Architect: Logic Architecture


Subterranean Extension to Listed Building – Derbyshire (2022)

Creating a large underground room behind a listed building sounds like a challenge beyond most, but for the client and construction team on this project, it was a matter of simply working through the details and selecting the right solutions to create the structure.


The contract and design team approached UNIBLOCK about the project, seeking our help to create the retaining structure for the new room, which would be set 3.6m below ground, behind the main residence, but linked through a glazed walkway. The shape of the room followed the shape of the existing garden above, and being situated directly behind a listed building, at the foot of a rock face also presented challenges to the build team.

Designed and cut in our factory, the UNIBLOCK team assembled large sections of the wall in the factory to ensure the angles and measurements were accurate, before flat packing each course for transport to site, where they could be placed by hand into the void for building.


Our Xpress Wall 75 offsite ICF system was selected to create the retaining walls, utilising the option of a 300mm concrete core. The walls were installed against a poured concrete wall, which was cast to level off the existing rock face at the rear of the site. Steel reinforcement from the slab was then carefully placed and the Xpress Wall blocks sat directly over them. Each course was carefully poured and more steel added following the structural design.


During the build, some changes were made to the upper sections, which required the addition of some walls for the lift shaft. UNIBLOCK were able to manufacture, cut and deliver the blocks to site quickly, allowing the contractor to keep on track with the overall program.

Contractor: PDS (Derbyshire) Ltd

Architect: Channel Design Ltd

Engineer: GCA (UK) Ltd

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